Many things can prevent a contribution from being deposited or credited. To save yourself and the contributor aggravation (and NAIFAPAC bank service fees), please familiarize yourself with the ways in which a contribution can fail to be processed. If a contribution comes to you first, and it has one of the problems outlined below, please do your best to correct the situation before forwarding the contribution to NAIFAPAC.
no voided check accompanied the bank draft form
no bank draft form accompanied the voided check
contributor signed an upgrade form, but is not already on automatic bank draft
deposit slip, not voided check, accompanied the bank draft form.
made payable to something other than IFAPAC
not signed
written dollar amount conflicts with numeric dollar amount
card number incorrect, incomplete, or illegible
card used was not a VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express
contributor wants to contribute monthly using his/her credit card (For an amount less than $21 a month.)
no dollar amount indicated
the exact contributor is unclear (i.e. no Jr./Sr. on check, both spouses are members of the association, the name on the form or check does not match member ID number)