The National Grassroots Committee oversees NAIFA’s contact system and grassroots lobbying program, the very nerve center of NAIFA’s legislative efforts. Just as IFAPAC uses political contributions to gain recognition for NAIFA on Capitol Hill, NAIFA’s grassroots resources are its politically active NAIFA members who regularly meet with their members of Congress and state legislators to discuss issues of importance to the insurance and financial services industry.
There are approximately 1,000 agents and advisors serving in NAIFA’s contact system at this time. That’s less than 5% of our membership who have expressed a willingness to contact their elected officials about important insurance and financial services legislation. More NAIFA members need to become involved to save our business from unfavorable legislation on both the state and federal levels.
Grassroots contacts are expected to stay informed about current legislative issues of importance to our industry. Contacts are kept apprised of ongoing legislative activity through the NAIFA GovTalk, a legislative bulletin sent by email to all NAIFA members. NAIFA’s web site also has extensive materials to help NAIFA members stay abreast of legislative developments on Capitol Hill and provide a synopsis of legislation being followed by NAIFA’s Government Relations staff.
In addition, grassroots contacts are asked to communicate with their legislators, through NAIFA GovAlerts on the Advocacy Action Center, as legislation reaches critical stages on Capitol Hill and in state capitals. GovAlerts will summarize an issue and NAIFA’s position and will describe what action needs to be taken to make our position known. The importance of making contact with elected officials should not be underestimated - several times in the recent past, federal proposals have been made in the House and Senate that would tax the inside buildup of life insurance, and NAIFA's grassroots contacts were able to derail these catastrophic proposals in mere hours through a deluge of phone calls and emails.