Direct constituent interactions have more influence on lawmakers’ decisions than other advocacy.
When Capitol Hill staff was asked: If your Member/Senator has not already arrived at a firm decision on an issue, how much influence might the following advocacy strategies directed to the Washington office have on his/her decision?
- 94% said that in-person issue visits from constituents had a lot or some positive influence.
- 94% said that contact from constituents’ representatives had a lot or some positive influence.
- 92% said that individualized email messages had a lot or some positive influence.
When Capitol Hill staff was asked: In your opinion, how important is each for understanding constituents’ views and opinions?
- 99% said meetings between staff and constituents are very or somewhat important.
- 99% said communications from representatives of district/state-based groups are very or somewhat important.
- 98% said attending events in the district/state is very or somewhat important.
- 98% said meetings between the Member/Senator and constituents are very or somewhat important.
Source: Citizen-Centric Advocacy: The Untappd Power of Constituent Engagement | The Congressional Management Foundation, 2017