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2 min read

Shining Stars: Membership Acquisition

By Emily Cabbage on 2/3/21 3:31 PM

We are introducing a new type of content in our Leaders' blog called Shining Stars whereby we highlight the great work that we're doing across NAIFA Nation. Here's what we've spotted recently in terms of great work in the area of Membership Acquisition.

Membership Sell Sheet Join the Band-Wagon

Earlier this year, we announced a new benefit for all chapters, a customized membership sell sheet to feature what is going on in your chapters.  We want to recognize our early adopters: Pennsylvania, Houston, Washington, Western Michigan, New Mexico, Minnesota, New Jersey, Mississippi, Illinois and Oregon


Each Sell Sheet features 2020 YAT Leader of the Year, Carina Hatfield on the front with information about NAIFA and our graduated fee structure.

Customize the backside to showcase the opportunities available at your state and local level.  Need help writing some content? Not a problem, check the box on the form to have NAIFA's Marketing team write it for you.  Need some inspiration? Check out these completed sell sheets from your peers.

Create Your Sell Sheet

Want to Share What Your Chapter is Doing? 

Take these ideas and make them yours to highlight your chapters great membership achievements in 2021! Email membernews@naifa.org with examples to share.