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Chapter Staff and Chapter Leaders from across NAIFA Nation met on July 11th, for the Chapter Leaders Webinar! Attendees were able to hear the latest NAIFA updates and announcements! This month's Chapter Leaders Webinar featured:

  • Tom Cothron, NAIFA President
  • Kevin Mayeux, NAIFA CEO
  • Andrew Holt, Grassroots Advocacy Director
  • Shelia Owens, Vice President of Marketing and Communications
  • Emily Cabbage, Senior Director of Membership
  • Corey Mathews, Vice President of Member and Chapter Services

Key Takeaways & Action Items:

  1. If you have an Agency that would give us 10 minutes to present, we will! Simply email recruitment@naifa.org with the info and we will get it scheduled.
  2. Q3 is around the corner, NAIFA In-District Meetings are coming up soon! Templates and resources for In-Districts and Make the Pledge!
  3. July 24th at 2 PM Eastern is the next live Financial Security Advocate Academy, or complete on demand here.
  4. Registration for APEX/NLC is open and more than 8 hours of NLC Content has been added.
  5. The Summer Membership Challange will be running through August 31st, resources are available to aid in your efforts.
  6. NAIFA has launched a book club to keep our members actively engaged through the summer and the remainder of 2024! 
  7. NAIFA P&C Study Group is on July 28th at 3 PM Eastern.
  8. NAIFA Chapter Excellence Awards will be presented at APEX, all Chapters have until August 31st to improve their scores!
  9. Please complete Chapter Bylaws updated if you haven't already!
  10. With the expansion of the NAIFA family to include the Society of Financial Service Professionals (FSP), members now have access to an increased offering of qualified continuing education.
  11. Blueprint Chapter Leadership Training will be returning on August 1st.
  12. Certified Leadership Board Training sessions will be held on August 29th and December 19th.
  13. The NAIFA Mentor Loop has been expanded, sign up if you haven't already!
  14. LUTCF is back, and fully online at your own pace.
  15. Growing NAIFA, in all ways, is your job…it's my job…it's OUR job. Create opportunities to meet new folks and bring them in and ASK them to join!
  16. THANK YOU! Without YOU, there is NO NAIFA.


If you missed the team live, check out the recording at the below link! Questions? Contact leadership@naifa.org.

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