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Membership Presentation

PowerPoint Presentations to
Present NAIFA Membership

Remember, you don't have to go at it alone! If you have an agency that would give us 10 minutes to present, we will! Simply email recruitment@naifa.org with the info and we will get it scheduled.


Membership Promise Presentation

We have updated the Membership Promise presentation which outlines the Advocate. Educate. Differentiate. This version should be used when presenting during a meeting with non-members. (This is not to be used for agency presentations.) Please find the annotated version of the PowerPoint for your use.


Download the Membership Promise Presentation

Why NAIFA Presentation

NAIFA-Iowa member, Barry Delp has shared a presentation he created to use when talking to non-members about NAIFA. 

Download Barry Delp's Why Belong to NAIFA Presentation