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This September marks the 20th Anniversary of Life Insurance Awareness Month (LIAM), brought to you by our partner, Life Happens. We want to hear from our chapters on how they plan to participate in 2023. Are you hosting an event focused on life insurance? Have you requested a proclamation from your city or state? We want to spotlight the work our chapters are doing for LIAM23. Send your proclamations and event plans to us at marketing@naifa.org

Life Happens creates a toolkit every year for agents and advisors to use throughout September. The kit includes social media graphics, a marketing calendar, pre-written content, and much more. Access the content now to get a headstart on your September LIAM marketing efforts.

Get the LIAM23 Kit

Over the last two decades, the goal of LIAM has remained the same, to educate more people about the importance of life insurance to protect their loved ones financially. Then that's where you as an agent/advisor come in, to provide the advice and products they need.

Did you know that only NAIFA members are listed in the Life Happens Agent Locator? That's right, the content that drives our own Find an Advisor directory also feeds the Life Happens directory.  Be sure that your profile is updated by logging into NAIFAconnect at naifaconnect.org. Use the email associated with your NAIFA account to update your profile. Please note that only members who are in the agent/advisor category are listed in the directories.