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IFAPAC Is a NAIFA Member Benefit

By NAIFA on 8/30/23 3:28 PM

Topics: IFAPAC

IFAPAC pools contributions from across NAIFA Nation to support the campaigns of state and federal candidates who appreciate the role of insurance and financial advisors and support our industry. A strong IFAPAC shows that NAIFA members are an active part of the political process. As NAIFA leaders, please set a good example by contributing to IFAPAC and encouraging members in your chapter to do the same.

Why is it crucial for NAIFA members to contribute to IFAPAC? 

  • Decisions made by Congress and state legislatures impact your bottom line. IFAPAC amplifies NAIFA's advocacy voice on good legislation that can benefit your practice and consumers and problematic proposals that can make your job tougher. Who besides NAIFA will speak on your behalf on issues like improving retirement plan access and flexibility, protecting the independent contractor status of producers, and promoting a best-interest standard for annuity transactions rather than more extreme proposals? Your IFAPAC contribution helps NAIFA's voice be heard.
  • IFAPAC is one of the most valuable tools we have at our disposal to educate and gain access to elected officials.
  • All PACs under the IFAPAC umbrella act on a nonpartisan basis; IFAPAC is beholden to no political party. We support Republican, Democratic, and independent candidates for federal and state offices who will listen, collaborate, and advocate on our behalf in Washington, D.C., and state capitals nationwide.

Resources to help NAIFA leaders promote IFAPAC are available in our Leaders Center

IFAPAC Contributions

Contributions to IFAPAC are voluntary and are used to contribute to campaigns of candidates for elected office. Your contributions will be divided between your state chapter’s IFAPAC and IFAPAC National if you have directed NAIFA to do so. You have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal. The amount contributed will not benefit or disadvantage you in any way. Corporate contributions to IFAPAC’s political fund are prohibited. Contributions to IFAPAC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. For NAIFA-Massachusetts members, the division of funds will be 60%/40% up to the state limit of $500 per calendar year. For NAIFA-New York members, a contribution on an LLC account will be retained 100% by the IFAPAC administrative fund due to state campaign finance rules.