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2 min read

Journal Live: Excessive Student Loans

By NAIFA on 4/3/24 5:00 PM

As financial professionals, understanding the intricate web of challenges your clients face, especially those entangled in student loan debt, is paramount. With the United States grappling with an overwhelming $1.7 trillion in outstanding higher education loans, the issue is more critical than ever. 

We invite you to join us for a Journal Live audio discussion on "Excessive Student Loans: The Harbinger of Death to a Financial Future," on Thursday, April 25, 2024, at 12 PM Eastern. This session is not just another webinar; it's an opportunity to deepen your understanding of how excessive borrowing for higher education can severely limit your clients' financial growth and stability.

Presented by Greg Geisler, PhD, and J. William Harden, CPA, ChFC, PhD, this 45-minute program will offer a comprehensive look into their study's findings on the long-term impacts of student loan debt. Learn how excessive debt burdens can hinder your clients' ability to engage in long-term tax-advantaged savings and prepare for a financially secure future.

Included is a Q&A session, where you can engage directly. This event is free for members and presents an excellent opportunity to enhance your ability to guide clients through the complexities of student loans.