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2 min read

The Next Generation of our Industry

By Zack Huels on 4/3/24 5:21 PM

How can we ensure the success of younger advisors within NAIFA?

We recently held our first quarterly Young Advisor Team call of the year. We asked all YAT chairs to come together and talk about their individual efforts in their state chapters. From golf socials to happy hours, we know in-person events and activities are a common way to get membership involvement. But one of the main things we really focused on was understanding what younger advisors want out of their NAIFA membership. 

Consider for a moment the state of our industry. 80-90% of advisors fail out of the business. If you knew you could do something about that, would you? My challenge to everyone reading this is to formally, or informally, mentor a younger advisor in your state. Even if it's just one coffee meeting or phone call a month, find some time to sit down with them and just listen to what their experience has been like.

The key here is that they have someone to listen to them. They may express concerns that only you can handle as a fellow financial professional. Concerns that a friend or family member has no context for. Concerns that may raise an eyebrow to a manager in their office. You may even learn a few things from them as well!

Our MentorLoop program is a great opportunity for you to get involved in something like this, but if you want to take this on informally, we say go for it. We're all here to support one another as we help our clients achieve financial security so let's make sure our industry continues on with the next generation.

Do you have your LUTCF? We're also looking for mentors for our current LUTCF students as well. Learn more and sign up today!