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The Q3 All YAT Chairs call was held on September 21st. Our call provided an update from the membership committee, the newly formed consumer committee and a discussion around NAIFA's new membership campaign, Taxation Needs Representation. The chapter spotlight this quarter was Paul Bacchioni from NAIFA-New Jersey. Was your chapter represented on the call?

Thank you to Peter Sechoka (NAIFA-MA), Pat Garrabran (NAIFA-Tampa Bay), Darian Ward (NAIFA-FL), Roger Sims (NAIFA-NC), Camille Tan (NAIFA-IL), Trish May (NAIFA-PA), Shir Keidan (NAIFA-FL Broward), Cheryl Canzanella (NAIFA-Northeast FL), Kirby Beverly(NAIFA-TN), Carina Hatfield (NAIFA-PA), Derek Scheetz (NAIFA-OH), Matthew Campbell (NAIFA-Northeast FL), John D. Richardson (NAIFA-TN), and Paul Bacchioni (NAIFA-NJ) for participating in the live session.

As previously mentioned, one of the roles of the YAT chair is to work hand in hand with the chapter membership chair. All YAT Chairs will be invited to attend the monthly Membership Chairs calls going forward. YATs and membership chairs, along with DEI chairs make up the membership team working hand-in-hand with NAIFA sales and marketing staff. We all need to be thinking about acquisitions and bringing new people into the fold. And this is the group to do it.

YAT National Committee member, Camille Tan, will be chairing the new Consumer Task Force under the brand, financialsecurity.org. This will be a direct-to-consumer approach to ensure financial security for all Americans, increasing financial literacy and educating Main Street USA that everyone deserves access to financial planning. NAIFA is currently seeking volunteers to serve on this task force. Please contact us at marketing@naifa.org if you are interested in serving.

Our YAT Quarterly Spotlight was put on Paul Bacchioni, NAIFA-New Jersey YAT Chair. He noted that the role of the YAT chair in his state has really evolved over the last few years. Paul decided this year, it was time to get people back together again and the YATs sponsored a hike to Pyramid Rock. In a forest, there is a boulder sitting on top of 3 smaller rocks, which seems impossible. But that was exactly the theme of the hike, Nothing is Impossible. When the group reached the rock formation, everyone shared the hardest thing they've experienced in their career. The YATs were sharing best practices and talking through some of the struggles encountered in the industry.

Paul and his fellow YATs are looking forward to programming in 2022 including a potential Top Golf social and bringing in a mindset coach. 

Next All YAT Call will be November 16th at 1pm eastern.