Do you know of an outstanding NAIFA citizen? Who have you seen lead the charge in 2020? Was 2020 an excellent production year for you? Differentiate yourself and others with one of NAIFA's Awards.
We are pleased to announce that applications/nominations are now open for the following awards: 4 Under 40, Diversity Champion, YAT Leader of the Year and NQA. Applications for each award will be accepted until September 30, 2021. Award criteria and applications can be found in the Talent Development Center under the Awards menu.
Nominations for the Diversity Champion and YAT Leader of the Year will be accepted through August 31, 2021. Individuals will be notified of their nomination within 2 business days. Nominees will receive an application form to completed by September 30, 2021. Self nominations will be accepted.
Differentiate from the crowd and apply for one of these awards today!