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Last week more than 90 of the nearly 400 Triangle Team members made the trek to the Arizona Biltmore for the 2024 Apex and National Leadership Conference. Members who qualify for the Triangle Team were treated to early entrance to the Welcome Reception. This was one way that we recognize and thank our most engaged members. Check out the full list of Triangle Team members.

Members of the Triangle Team have completed activities in each of the three pillars of NAIFA Nation, Membership, Grassroots, and IFAPAC. The criteria for each section are as follows, Membership: recruited 3 or more members into NAIFA, Grassroots: completed the Financial Security Advocate Academy, and IFAPAC: be an active contributor (meaning that you have contributed within the last 12 months).

Are you one of the hundreds of NAIFA members who are only missing the Financial Security Advocate Academy to qualify for the Triangle Team? There is one final online group session in 2024 and it takes place on October 8th at 2 pm eastern. Register now for a quick and easy way to not only earn your FSA badge but also complete one requirement of the Triangle Team!

Is your name missing from our list? Let us know by sending an email to memberbenefits@naifa.org.