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Join us January 25, 2024, at 12 pm eastern.

The Q1 State of NAIFA webinar gives NAIFA leaders a better understanding of what is going on in their association and how they can help NAIFA members get the most value out of their membership. This will be 2024 President Tom Cothron's inaugural update on where our association stands and where we are heading. No NAIFA leader or member should miss it. As always, NAIFA CEO Kevin Mayeux will provide information on association programming and Senior Vice President for Government Relations Diane Boyle will give a legislative and regulatory briefing.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • The NAIFA-FSP merger and advantages for members, including expanded benefits and treated political advocacy opportunities
  • Life Happens' Insure Your Love Month
  • NAIFA's revitalized LUTCF designation
  • NAIFA's Congressional Conference
  • NAIFA's strategic plan - now and moving forward
  • Legislative and regulatory developments, including the DOL's independent contractor rule and fiduciary-only proposal

The quarterly State of NAIFA reports demonstrate NAIFA's commitment to transparency. They are also a great way for leaders and members to stay abreast of everything going on with their association. The online event is open to anyone interested in NAIFA's success, so please invite members and nonmembers, alike.
