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1 min read

Meet Your New Freshmen Members of Congress

By NAIFA on 12/8/20 10:37 AM

Topics: Advocacy

We've put together a great new resource for you to use in getting to know your freshmen members of Congress. Simply download the .zip file and find your state. If your state has new members of Congress, you will have profile cards on each new member.

Here's an example. Meet Mondaire Jones:


Download Slides

What can you do with this information? Here are a few ideas: 

  • Make members aware of the new freshmen members of Congress through  email to members in their district and encourage them to report any relationships to advocacy@naifa.org
  • Tweet a greeting. Here's an example:

    naifa tweet
  • Visit the new Congressperson's website and social media channels to follow as your NAIFA chapter and encourage constituents to do the same.
  • Look for opportunities for upcoming meetings, town halls and the like to participate and put faces to names.