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Advocacy is central to what NAIFA does. It's an important reason why many financial professionals join NAIFA and those who are politically active and engaged are more likely to remain members throughout their careers. How can NAIFA leaders encourage members in their chapters to be more fully engaged?

Encourage Members to Get the FSA Badge

NAIFA's Financial Security Advocate Academy is a NAIFA member benefit available at no additional cost. The course covers the basics of how government works up through advanced grassroots concepts. Those who complete it are well on their way to becoming the best political advocates they can be. They also receive the digital FSA badge they can use to differentiate themselves on social media and their consumer-facing NAIFA profile. 

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Spread the Word About In-District Meetings

In-district meetings with members of Congress are an important part of NAIFA's grassroots strategy. Every August through early September, Congress recesses and lawmakers return to their home states and districts to check in on their constituents. NAIFA members use this time to meet with their lawmakers, tell their client stories, discuss issues important to their business, and build lasting relationships. Encourage the agents and advisors in your chapter to learn more about in-district meetings and sign up to participate.  

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Promote IFAPAC

We are in the middle of NAIFA's summer IFAPAC promotion. Every NAIFA member who contributes to IFAPAC between the start of Congressional Conference and the end of the day on IFAPAC's August 18 birthday is entered in a drawing for $1,000. But that shouldn't be the main incentive. IFAPAC shows lawmakers at the federal level and in every state legislature that NAIFA members are an active part of the political process. It shines a spotlight on issues important to NAIFA members and their clients. IFAPAC contributions amplify NAIFA's grassroots work with people making decisions that have an enduring impact on the industry, the economy, and NAIFA members' businesses.

Contribute to IFAPAC

Contributions to IFAPAC are voluntary and are used to contribute to campaigns of candidates for elected office. Your contributions will be divided between your state chapter’s IFAPAC and IFAPAC National if you have directed NAIFA to do so. You have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal. The amount contributed will not benefit or disadvantage you in any way. Corporate contributions to IFAPAC’s political fund are prohibited. Contributions to IFAPAC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. For NAIFA-Massachusetts members, the division of funds will be 60%/40% up to the state limit of $500 per calendar year. For NAIFA-New York members, a contribution on an LLC account will be retained 100% by the IFAPAC administrative fund due to state campaign finance rules.