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Join us for a special mid-summer meeting on Wednesday, July 31st at 12 pm eastern to focus on membership. With three Supreme Court decisions affecting our business, the DOL fiduciary-only rule, and the upcoming expiration of certain elements of the Tax and Jobs Cut Act, the time is now to expand our base so that we are prepared to welcome in new leaders at the state and federal levels, as well as take action when necessary. 

You've likely heard Van Mueller say, "There has never been a better day to be an insurance agent,"  but what you'll walk away saying is, "There has never been a better day to belong to NAIFA."  

Yes, I am passionate about NAIFA & Will Attend

What We'll Cover:

  • Membership Referral Program and What's in it for YOU
  • Summer Membership Challenge and What's in it for YOU
  • Rewards and Awards for Top Recruiters
  • Member-to-Member Programs that Deliver 10X on your Dues Investment
  • New Membership Benefits that Help You Prospect

Do you know someone who is passionate about NAIFA, but isn't in a formal leadership role (or might be ready to dip their toe in the water, but needs to start small?) Invite them to attend this session & ask them to be part of our Brand Ambassador Team!

Passion for people is what has powered NAIFA since 1890, and it's on all of us to ensure that we keep NAIFA strong!