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During the Apex sales conference in Phoenix, NAIFA officially launched the Employee & Executive Benefits Center (EBC). This latest addition to the roster of NAIFA's Centers for Excellence, creates a community of agents and advisors, firms, carriers, and vendors whose interests overlap in the benefits space.   

The center will benefit professionals who provide financial planning and services for business clients. Resources and experts accessible through the center will help advisors and firms navigate the marketplace, create efficiencies, and access information about the latest trends in the benefits universe.

LIMRA, the insurance and financial services industry’s leading research organization and identifier of market trends, is contributing featured content to the EBC. The center will cover a broad array of employee and executive benefits topics, including health care, dental services, wellness programs, supplemental employee benefits offerings, retirement planning, ERISA and COBRA plan documents, legal issues, and legislative and regulatory impacts.

Executive Director Carroll Golden, CLU, ChFC, LTCP, CASL, FLMI, CLTC, heads up the EBC and is looking for additional sponsors and content contributors. If you know of a potential sponsor or expert content contributor for the EBC, please email ebc@naifa.org

You can read NAIFA's EBC launch press release online.