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Your commitment is appreciated! We are excited to start a new year together! Please join us at 4 pm eastern tomorrow, Thursday, January 4th at 4 pm eastern. All FSP leaders have also been invited, so we are excited to welcome everyone to our expanded NAIFA Nation! If you didn't receive the invite, or need the login again, here is the link to self-register for the meeting. 

Additionally, all of our Leader Gallery Pages have been updated for 2024. You can view: 

  • National Leaders
  • State Leaders
  • Local Leaders

Check them out on our public site at belong.naifa.org and choose Membership and then Leaders to explore the power of leadership in NAIFA Nation! Missing someone? Please send the info and headshot to marketing@naifa.org so we can get the pages updated and celebrate everyone who gives their time, talent, and treasure to NAIFA!

Also, don't forget! There are press release templates for all new leaders and we want to celebrate your work all year long, so please send in tips, promotions, who's doing what, and awesome things your chapter is doing to marketing@naifa.org so we can include in our Advisor Today blog that over 80,000 people are subscribed! 

Lastly, we love to showcase our leaders! Want to be a guest on our podcast where we only talk member-to-member? Let us know, subscribe, and get juiced every week in hearing what NAIFA has done for the careers of our leaders and member!