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3 min read

Great Ideas from Connecticut

By Suzanne Carawan on 6/26/24 7:18 PM

Dennis Cuccinelli, Trustee and National Membership Chair, and I had the pleasure of attending NAIFA-Connecticut's recent June event. Addison Rosenbluth, President, along with Mark Male, Chapter Executive, ran a great meeting that was packed full of ideas that Addison has graciously allowed us to share.

Addison Rosenbluth's Opening Comments: 

"First and foremost, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you for being here today. Your presence signifies a dedication to your profession and a willingness to grow and evolve in an ever-changing landscape. It’s your passion and perseverance that make NAIFA a beacon of excellence in our industry.

I’d like to acknowledge and thank our sponsors and partners who have made not only this event, but all 5 of them to date this event possible. Your support is invaluable and underscores the collaborative spirit that drives our NAIFA community forward.

(Sponsors then thanked and acknowledged) ....

We live in a time of rapid change and unprecedented challenges. The financial landscape is evolving at an extraordinary pace, and with it, the needs and expectations of our clients. As professionals, it’s our duty to stay ahead of these changes, to continuously educate ourselves, and to adapt our strategies accordingly.

Membership in NAIFA means joining a network of peers who are equally committed to professional growth and client service. It provides access to a wealth of resources, from cutting-edge educational programs and industry research, to best practice sharing and leadership development opportunities. These resources are designed to help you stay at the forefront of our industry, continuously improving your skills and knowledge.

Moreover, NAIFA is a powerful advocate for our profession. In a time of regulatory and legislative challenges, NAIFA stands as a united voice, representing our interests at the state and federal levels. Our advocacy efforts ensure that we have a seat at the table when decisions are made that affect our industry and our clients. This collective strength is essential in protecting the integrity of our profession and the trust our clients place in us

Beyond the technical knowledge, today is also about community. NAIFA is more than just an association; it’s a family of professionals who support each other, share best practices, and strive for collective success. Take this opportunity to connect with your fellow members, share your experiences, and build lasting relationships."

After Addison's eloquent words, we heard from the state lobbyist, Josh Hughes who updated us on state legislative issues, and then I spoke about the new, expanded benefit portfolio. What followed was several CE presentations by Kevin Baldwin and two panels that were such great ideas that I asked Addison if he would share the panel ideas so that other chapters could benefit.

Panel #1:  Young Advisor Panel
The Young Advisor panel took questions on everything from prospecting to technology use. The audience was able to ask questions and delve into the worldview of the young advisor in terms of the industry, client care, technology, and practice management.

Panel #2: Quarter Century Panel
The event also included a panel on the opposite end of the spectrum with a Quarter Century Panel who were made up of seasoned members who were able to provide their insights and advice as to what they've experienced and how they've weathered the inevitable financial storms faced over decades of experience.

The audience loved both panels to get the insights of members and understand their viewpoints. These were easy panels to put together and everyone was recognized and learned from one another during the event. Thank you, NAIFA-Connecticut, Addison, and Mark for putting together a great event that combined FSP and NAIFA into one newly expanded chapter that benefits all.