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I am happy to announce that we are beginning to create the Investment, Retirement, and Estate Planning Center (IREP) that will serve as a new thought leadership hub for members and industry partners. The new Center will be created using the same blueprint that has served the Limited & Extended Care Planning Center well for more than six years. The IREP will: 

  • grow membership and non-dues revenue through creating a dynamic workgroup space for individuals, firms, and companies to come together in a study-group format
  • showcase and include partners that offer solutions in the IREP space
  • provide  content in the form of articles, sessions, events, and Impact Days
  • include a Legislative Working Group to serve as a sounding board to NAIFA's Government Relations' committees and staff 
  • offer opportunities for members to work together to advance initiatives in the IREP space
  • offer opportunities for members to stand out and be recognized for their work and volunteer service

To begin the conversation, we are starting with a series of Roundtables to serve as focus groups. The first IREP Roundtable will happen this Friday, May 31st in Columbus, Ohio. I intend to hold more focus groups over the summer to hear directly from our members as to what we should--and shouldn't--include in our IREP Center. If you are interested in being included in one of the upcoming Roundtables, please reach out and let me know. I would appreciate it if you would also push this opportunity out to those in your local communities to let them know of our Centers of Excellence.

Thank you in advance!