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2 min read

Calling All Leaders

By Mark Briscoe on 10/5/22 5:17 PM

NAIFA’s 2022 National Leadership Conference brings our association’s leaders and aspiring leaders together face-to-face. It ensures we are all on the same page working together as One NAIFA to execute on NAIFA’s overarching strategic plan at every level. It creates momentum for 2023 as we move in lock step to grow membership, amplify NAIFA’s brand, and build a stronger membership experience. NLC and the associated Belong awards gala inspire and recognize servant leaders who are called to serve a greater purpose and understand that they are working for the success of something bigger than themselves.

Attendance of the 2022 NLC is crucial for all NAIFA leaders and future leaders. It is where we articulate our strategies for success and ensure we are in alignment as we advance our commitment to serving and empowering NAIFA Nation. It is an event where we learn, grow, and inspire our peers for the betterment of our association, the entire community of insurance and financial advisors, and the consumers who rely on our products, services, and advice. The NLC is a direct call-to-action for NAIFA leaders.

As always, advocacy is an important part of the NLC. Growing as NAIFA leaders also means having influence with elected and appointed decisionmakers who impact our businesses, communities, and clients. It is important for NAIFA leaders to attend NLC to understand their role in making a difference on the advocacy front, how they can inspire rank-and-file members to be strong advocates, and the importance of NAIFA’s IFAPAC. NLC also features a day on the Hill providing a meaningful first-hand experience of how NAIFA’s grassroots efforts influence some of the most powerful lawmakers in the country.

The 2022 NLC is a can’t miss event for anyone who supports NAIFA’s mission and is committed to collectively moving our association forward through leadership that serves NAIFA’s higher purpose. Together we can take on anything. Register for the NLC today.

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