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Leaders Blog

Chapter Playbook Content Highlight: Financial Activities Checklist

By Justi Folladori on 12/16/20 9:30 AM

All chapters are expected to have an independent review of the chapter’s Annual Financial Reports (financial statements) at the end of the chapter year. The independent review requires prudent testing of a sample of underlying transactions and testing the accuracy of the Annual Financial Report.

Topics: Leaders
1 min read

Customize the 2021 Membership Sell Sheet for Your Chapter

By Emily Cabbage on 12/15/20 8:09 PM

Let NAIFA take the design work off your hands.  Let us customize the 2021 Membership Sell Sheet with your chapter information.  The updated sell sheet features 2020 YAT Leader of the Year, Carina Hatfield, on the front side along with graduated membership fees. The reverse side has space to talk about the state and local/affiliates, key programs, contact information of a chapter representative and more.

Topics: Leaders Membership

Do Your Leadership Skills Need a Tune-Up?

By Justi Folladori on 12/14/20 9:36 AM

The answer to the question, "How do I lead well?" is offered up in hundreds of books, articles, podcasts, etc. every year. However, effective leadership comes down to one thing...heart. A leader's heart is focused on serving others first and is not motivated by self-interest, status, position or power. 

Topics: Leadership Leaders

IFAPAC Advocacy Sales Tips Training Videos Are Now Available

By NAIFA on 12/10/20 3:27 PM

The November Regional Zoom meetings featured Dan Ekstein from Sagac Public Affairs sharing his expertise about Advocacy Sales Tips. If you missed these valuable trainings or would like to watch them a second time to be motivated for 2021 fundraising, the videos are now available until the end of February.

Topics: Leaders

The NAIFA Chapter Playbook Includes Press Release Templates

By NAIFA on 12/9/20 3:08 PM

Public Relations is used to achieve broad public recognition of NAIFA across the nation. Public Relations can be conducted through online and print media, as well as through social media. There are several ways chapters can utilize Public Relations. 

Topics: Leaders

NAIFA Trustees Approve Appointments of Gandy, Gellar to the Board

By NAIFA on 12/9/20 12:23 PM

NAIFA 2021 President Tom Michel has appointed Christopher L. Gandy of NAIFA-Illinois and Evelyn Gellar of NAIFA-New York to the 2021 NAIFA Board of Trustees, and the Board has approved the appointments.

Topics: Leaders
1 min read

John Newton Russell Award Recipient Selected

By NAIFA on 12/9/20 10:18 AM

A committee of representatives of the 10 leading organizations in the life insurance and financial services industry selected Terry Headley, NAIFA past-president for 2010-2011, as the 2020 John Newton Russell Memorial Award recipient. The award is the highest honor accorded by the insurance industry to a living individual who has rendered outstanding services to the institution of life insurance.

Topics: Awards Leaders

Chapter Playbook Content Highlight: Financial Internal Controls

By Justi Folladori on 12/9/20 9:00 AM

Managing chapter funds is an integral part of operating a successful chapter. As part of the Chapter Playbook, we have included a list of financial internal controls chapters should make note of. Financial internal controls include items such as:

Topics: Leaders
1 min read

December 2020 Monthly Leader Webinar

By Justi Folladori on 12/7/20 9:29 AM

The Monthly Leader Webinars wrapped up for 2020 on Friday, December 4. Kevin Mayeux, CAE; Suzanne Carawan and Corey Mathews, CAE provided final reminders for the year, as well as thanked our leaders for their commitment to NAIFA during 2020.

Topics: Monthly Leadership Call Leaders

Four Winning Elements of 2020 Meetings

By Justi Folladori on 12/3/20 9:00 AM

In 2020, meetings were held in many different formats. From the in-person events to the virtual (or a combination of the two), many associations included meeting elements that helped them excel in a nontraditional year. Ernie Smith, a social media journalist for Associations Now, highlights the four elements for 2020 meetings that will continue to come in handy during 2021.

Topics: Leadership Leaders


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