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Leaders Blog

December Membership Chairs Recording

By Justi Folladori on 12/2/20 9:32 AM

The recording from the December Membership Chairs Meeting is now available! Speakers included Corey Mathews, Suzanne Carawan and Dennis Cuccinelli who covered topics including:

Topics: Leaders Membership

Chapter Playbook Content Highlight: Retaining a State Lobbyist

By Justi Folladori on 11/25/20 9:00 AM

Drafting a position description or request for proposal (RFP) for a State Lobbyist should detail the required qualifications, responsibilities/scope of services and define fees and hourly rates (note: the RFP should request hourly fees/rates or state a budget that the chapter has available so that the response can be tailored to fit the budget).

Topics: Leaders

Great Committees Make Great Boards

By Justi Folladori on 11/24/20 10:34 AM

Are you looking to achieve high-functioning committees that are essential to support high-functioning boards? If so, Lisa Boylan, senior editor of Associations Now, shares how to build committees the right way to avoid dysfunction. It all starts with training and structure. 

Topics: Leadership Leaders

Chapter Playbook: New Resources Added This Week

By Justi Folladori on 11/20/20 9:00 AM

Policies are an essential tool in guiding your chapter. They interpret the governing documents and provide additional clarity and specificity on how they are to be followed, as well as important expressions of granted or limitation of delegated authority. This week, we have added two new policies to the Chapter Playbook that your chapter can download, adopt or amend if necessary. We have added model policies on Conflicts of Interest and Whistleblowers. 

Topics: Leadership Leaders
1 min read

Chapter Playbook Content Highlight: Robert's Rules of Order

By Justi Folladori on 11/18/20 9:11 AM

Is your chapter using Robert's Rules of Order during board meetings? If not, or you just need a refresher, Robert's Rules of Order are included in the newly revised Chapter Playbook!

Topics: Leaders

Membership Chairs Meeting: November 24

By Justi Folladori on 11/18/20 8:37 AM

Calling all Membership Chairs! With the Thanksgiving Holiday quickly approaching, we have moved our November Membership Chairs Meeting to Tuesday, November 24 at 3 p.m. Eastern. All state and local Membership Chairs have been pre-registered for this meeting, but if you need your Zoom information resent to you, please do not hesitate to reach out. 

Topics: Leaders Membership

Chapter Playbook: New Resources Added This Week

By Justi Folladori on 11/13/20 9:30 AM

Installing your 2021 chapter leaders in the coming weeks? Whether your installation ceremony is taking place in-person or virtually, you may be looking for a resource to get your ceremony just right. This week, we have put together a script to install your officers to both your general audience and your officers. The script is now available in the Chapter Playbook for future reference and you can also click the button below to download and edit as needed! 

Topics: Leadership Leaders

Chapter Playbook Content Highlight: Sample Board Agenda

By Justi Folladori on 11/11/20 8:54 AM

When preparing a board meeting agenda, there are several important things to consider. First, the agenda should include all topics to be discussed at the meeting, along with any supporting or background materials to further explain items if necessary. Secondly, agendas should include the date, location, starting time, scheduled breaks and anticipated end time. Time frames should also be added to each agenda item. This will help the meeting progress smoothly and end on time. 

Topics: Leaders

Blueprint Training Now On-Demand!

By Justi Folladori on 11/9/20 12:46 PM

Do you want to catch a replay of a session? Or did your schedule not allow you to join us live? Catch up on our NAIFA Blueprint Leadership Training on-demand! Available content includes sessions on:

Topics: Leadership Leaders
1 min read

November 2020 Monthly Leader Webinar

By Justi Folladori on 11/9/20 11:41 AM

During November's Monthly Leader Webinar, Counsel and Vice President of Government Relations Gary Sanders, provided an update on recent amendments to the NAIC’s Suitability in Annuity Transactions Model Regulation. NAIFA continues to urge the states to consider and adopt recent amendments to the NAIC’s Suitability in Annuity Transactions Model Regulation, and NAIFA state chapters should reach out to their state’s insurance commissioner or director and encourage him/her to support and promote the adoption of the NAIC amendments. To read a full article on this issue, please click here.

Topics: Monthly Leadership Call Leaders


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