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Leaders Blog

1 min read

Congressional Conference Promotional Tools Are Available

By NAIFA on 2/12/25 7:00 PM

May 19-20, 2025
Washington, D.C.

The Congressional Conference is NAIFA's premier grassroots advocacy event and the most impactful advocacy fly-in in the insurance and financial services industry. This year, our emphasis is expanding our grassroots footprint by ramping up participation by first-time attendees. We are offering the first 100 eligible first-time registrants $500 travel vouchers to encourage their attendance. As a NAIFA leader, please help us make this event a success by 1.) registering and attending yourself, 2.) promoting the Congressional Conference at the Chapter level, and 3.) personally inviting a first-timer to join us in Washington.

Topics: Grassroots Congressional Conference
1 min read

Is Your Name on the Congressional Conference List?

By NAIFA on 4/3/24 5:58 PM

The 2024 Congressional Conference is coming to Washington, D.C., May 20-21. This is NAIFA's can't-miss signature grassroots event and the most impactful association fly-in in the insurance and financial services industry. See who is attending. If your name is not on the list, register today to have it added. If you notice colleagues or members from your chapter who aren't yet registered, why don't you give them a friendly nudge? The more people we have in Washington advocating for our businesses, clients, and communities the more influential we are.

Topics: Grassroots Congressional Conference
1 min read

Attending Congressional Conference Is What NAIFA Leaders Do

By NAIFA on 3/20/24 4:06 PM

The Congressional Conference is NAIFA members' best opportunity to experience the power of grassroots advocacy first-hand in our nation's capital. Attendees really do make a difference on behalf of their businesses, clients, and communities. Networking allows them to be inspired and share ideas with politically involved colleagues. Training, policy briefings, and expert speakers give them the knowledge and guidance they need to be effective advocates. Meetings with lawmakers allow NAIFA members to speak with a unified voice and forge meaningful relationships with people whose decisions impact the financial security of every American.

Topics: Federal Advocacy Grassroots Congressional Conference
1 min read

Invite a Colleague to Congressional Conference

By NAIFA on 3/5/24 4:23 PM

As NAIFA leaders, you have the experience and influence to make a difference  when you encourage newer members' involvement with our association. No where is this more true than on the grassroot advocacy front. As a NAIFA veteran, you can increase the involvement of newer members by inviting them to participate in your state's legislative day and the national Congressional Conference, coming to Washington, D.C., May 20-21. 

Topics: Grassroots Congressional Conference
1 min read

Congressional Conference Registration Is Open!

By NAIFA on 2/21/24 3:29 PM

May 20-21
Washington, D.C.

Encourage NAIFA members in your chapter to register for NAIFA's Congressional Conference. Don't put it off. The first 300 NAIFA members to register and meet eligibility requirements will receive a $350 travel stipend. The Congressional Conference is NAIFA's signature advocacy event and one you don't want to miss.

Topics: Congressional Conference
1 min read

Add NAIFA's Signature Events to Your Calendar

By NAIFA on 1/31/24 5:04 PM

NAIFA's Congressional Conference, Apex, and National Leadership Conference/Belong are can't miss events for NAIFA leaders. The Congressional Conference, NAIFA's signature grassroots advocacy event, will be May 20-21 in Washington, D.C. Apex, the National Leadership Conference, and Belong will all be at the Arizona Biltmore in Phoenix, September 19-21.

Topics: Apex Congressional Conference
3 min read

NAIFA to Host Over 500 Attendees from Across America at its 10th Annual Congressional Conference

By NAIFA on 5/17/23 3:21 PM

NAIFA will host the 10th annual Congressional Conference May 22-23 in Washington, D.C. The event will feature targeted advocacy training with briefings on legislative issues that affect members’ businesses and the clients they serve. Expert presenters will offer best practices for conducting Congressional meetings and tips for developing impactful long-term relationships with legislators.

Topics: Federal Advocacy Grassroots Congressional Conference
1 min read

When It Comes to Congressional Conference, Numbers Matter!

By NAIFA on 3/28/23 1:12 PM

May 22-23 | Washington, D.C.

NAIFA's Congressional Conference is only as effective as the agents and advisors who participate. The more of us who are there, the greater our influence. Getting as many NAIFA members as possible to attend has numerous benefits.

Topics: Federal Advocacy Congressional Conference
1 min read

NAIFA's Congressional Conference: Is Your Name on the List?

By NAIFA on 3/15/23 4:00 PM

Every NAIFA leader should attend our Congressional Conference, May 22-23, in Washington, D.C., and encourage other members to join you. The list of people planning to attend is on the Congressional Conference page of NAIFA's website. Take a look to see if anyone you know is missing and invite them to attend.

Topics: Grassroots Congressional Conference
1 min read

Ensure Your State is Represented at Congressional Conference

By NAIFA on 1/11/23 7:03 PM

This week registration opened for the 2023 Congressional Conference to be held on May 22-23 in Washington, D.C. NAIFA is pleased to once again offer 300 travel stipends in the amount of $350 each. Half of the stipends have been claimed after just 2 days! Ensure that your state is represented as we head to Capitol Hill to advocate for our industry, our businesses, and our clients.


Topics: Federal Advocacy Congressional Conference


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