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Leaders Blog

1 min read

NAIFA Leaders in the Field

By NAIFA on 9/7/22 4:27 PM

NAIFA President Lawrence Holzberg, LACP, LUTCF, and President-Elect Byron Holz, CLU, ChFC, LUTCF, CASL, LACP, are representing NAIFA's Office of the President in upcoming speaking engagements around the country. NAIFA thought leaders offer insights into the state of NAIFA, the financial services industry, and the community of agents and advisors.

Topics: Leaders
2 min read

Nomination Periods Are Open for Leadership Positions and NAIFA Awards

By Mark Briscoe on 7/20/22 4:50 PM

NAIFA leaders are in the perfect position to identify exceptional NAIFA members suitable for leadership positions or to be considered for NAIFA awards. Many leaders also have the qualifications needed to serve on the national Board of Trustees.

Topics: Leaders

NAIFA's Q2 Enterprise Report Is Coming to Leaders Friday

By Mark Briscoe on 7/20/22 4:10 PM

The NAIFA Enterprise Accountability Report is a quarterly, high-level snapshot of our progress toward the execution of the NAIFA 2025 Strategic Plan. In this report, NAIFA home office staff outlines pertinent updates correlated with the goals in the FY 2022 Business Implementation Plan. The report contains important information NAIFA leaders need to know. It also demonstrates NAIFA's commitment to transparency and open discussion.

Topics: Leaders
1 min read

Cheryl Canzanella Receives Double Recognition for Her Membership Recruiting Efforts

By NAIFA on 7/8/22 5:00 PM

We’re proud to recognize NAIFA member Cheryl Canzanella, CLU, ChSNC, LUTCF, winner of two NAIFA 2022 Q2 awards. Canzanella won the Grand Prize in NAIFA’s Q2 Referral Contest, recruiting 17 new members. She also received NAIFA’s 2022 Q2 Membership Hard Hat Award, given to a member who “lays it on the line” for NAIFA membership. 

Topics: Leaders
3 min read

June Membership Chairs Call Recap

By Randy Clark on 6/13/22 2:48 PM

Our June Membership Chair calls have wrapped up and the momentum for 2022 continues to roll on!  We've signed up over 100 NEW members for six straight months and had the best May since 2017.  Thank you to all who took the time to attend.  We get together to problem solve, ideate, share, compare, and most importantly, get pumped about our profession and the good work we do every day!

Topics: Leaders Membership Chairs
1 min read

Loyal NAIFA Member Cheryl Canzanella Joins Fairway Independent Mortgage

By NAIFA on 5/26/22 10:33 AM

We're pleased to congratulate loyal NAIFA member Cheryl Canzanella, CLU, ChSNC, LUTCF, on her new position with NAIFA partner Fairway Independent Mortgage. Cheryl will take over the role of HECM Business Development Manager - Retirement Solutions.

Since joining NAIFA in 2010, Cheryl has been active in the NAIFA community. She is a Past President of NAIFA-Northeast Florida and has served in leadership positions at the local, state, and national levels. She is also a recipient of NAIFA-FL's President’s award. In 2019, she was recognized as NAIFA’s Young Advisor Team Leader of the Year. Cheryl is also a Founding Past President of Women in Insurance & Financial Services (WIFS) Northeast Florida.

Topics: #NAIFAProud Leaders
3 min read

May 2022 Membership Chairs Call Recap

By Randy Clark on 5/17/22 3:35 PM

Our May Membership Chairs calls have wrapped up and the momentum for 2022 continues to build.  Together, we've added over 100 NEW members for five straight months and had our best April in years!  Thank you to all who took the time to attend.  We get together to problem solve, ideate, share, compare and most importantly, get pumped about our profession and the good work we do every day!

As a reminder, the second week of each month contains a set of three calls for Membership Chairs.  We have adopted the IFAPAC model of breaking states into regions and then have created a true sales force so that we can move as one by hand-selecting two Membership Vice-Chairs per region.

Key Points Covered

  • Q2 referral incentive updates
  • Great success stories from States like PA, MA, WI and CO
  • Our upcoming Congressional Conference
  • Using NAIFA Connect

Great Ideas Shared

  • Ideas for a successful event
  • Friendly competitions to build membership
  • Using NAIFA Connect as a member benefit

Who's Moving the Needle

The following chapters were net positive or neutral to April 2021

DE, HI, IA, IN, MA, MD, ME, MT, NC, NV, OH, RI, SC, CA-Foothills, CA San Fran Peninsula, Tampa, Greater Washington D.C., Central FL, E. Iowa, SC Upstate, Columbus, Cleveland, and Houston!

Topics: Leaders Membership Membership Chairs
1 min read

May Membership Chairs Calls

By Randy Clark on 5/3/22 11:01 AM

The second week of each month contains a set of three calls for Membership Chairs.  We've tried to make it as flexible as possible.  There are three dates/times per month.  Attend the one that fits your schedule best.  The calls are designed for Membership Chairs, but they are open to any leader or Exec that would like to attend!

Topics: Leaders Membership Chairs
3 min read

April Membership Chairs Call Recap

By Randy Clark on 4/15/22 2:40 PM

Our April Membership chairs calls have wrapped up and the momentum for 2022 is building!  Thank you to all who took the time to attend.  We get together to problem solve, ideate, share, compare, and most importantly, get pumped about our profession and the good work we do every day!

Topics: Leaders Membership Chairs
1 min read

April Membership Chairs Call

By Randy Clark on 4/5/22 2:52 PM

The second week of each month contains a set of three calls for Membership Chairs. We've tried to make it as flexible as possible. There are three dates/times per month. Attend the one that fits your schedule best. The calls are designed for the Membership Chairs, but they are open to any leader or Exec that would like to attend. 

Topics: Leaders Membership Chairs


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