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Member Communications

Home Office Communications

NAIFA publishes a quarterly magazine, Advisor Today. Advisor Today has the largest circulation among insurance and financial planning advising magazines. Founded in 1906 as Life Association NewsAdvisor Today is the official publication of  NAIFA. Advisor Today's mission is to provide practical information, sales ideas, resources and business strategies to help insurance and financial advisors succeed.



  • NAIFA Nation Newsletter: A members only newsletter that hits inboxes during the first week of every month. The newsletter is divided into three sections: Advocate. Educate. Differentiate.
  • GovTalk: Monthly on the 15th
  • IFAPAC Newsletter: Monthly on the 10th

Chapter Communications

Chapters must actively promote member participation in NAIFA professional development and training programs using promotional kits provided by NAIFA. Chapter staff and leaders should monitor leadership webinars and communications to learn about programs NAIFA would like you to promote to your members. Required activities to actively promote NAIFA programs include:

  1. Regularly post program information on the Chapter website, in Chapter newsletters and on social media using materials provided by NAIFA.
  2. Regularly like and share NAIFA social media posts.
  3. Regularly include information in Chapter newsletters or other regular member communications and at Chapter meetings and events.
  4. On the Chapter website, social media, in Chapter newsletters or other regular member communications and at Chapter meetings and events, recognize Chapter members who:
    1. Receive NAIFA certifications, designations or awards;
    2. Are chosen as speakers for NAIFA programs or events;
    3. Attend or serve as volunteers for NAIFA programs or events.

Optional activities to actively promote NAIFA programs include:

  1. Providing scholarships or stipends for Chapter members to participate in NAIFA programs or events.
  2. Planning onsite social activities for Chapter members attending NAIFA events.

We recommend that Chapters set up regular communication, such as a newsletter every week or month, to communicate upcoming programs and activity in your Chapter. If you send a newsletter at the same scheduled time routinely, your members will start to look for it as a resource for their NAIFA news. Members prefer one routine communication with all their Chapter news and events rather than multiple emails each week.