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Chapter Annual Report

The Chapter Annual Report is designed to be a wide-ranging collection of Chapter data that has provided tremendous value to Chapters and the home office since its inception. First, it has enabled us to collect and create a repository of critical information that ensures that all of our Chapters are compliant with laws and rules affecting their operation. This storage redundancy creates a protection for us all. Additionally, the information collected is shared within the Departments of headquarters to empower our operations and collaboration in all facets of how we serve our members. The data also aids NAIFA in planning and deployment of resources in support of Chapters in their individual and collective areas of greatest need. Lastly, the data provides an important benchmarking value, empowering Chapters to track their progress over time through its Chapter Health Rating (CHR).

The CHR is the result of prioritized scoring of various reporting elements, designed to emphasize the most important areas of Chapter operations. While our competitive nature may make us inclined to compare to other Chapters, the primary purpose of the score is for a Chapter to measure against itself, year-over-year, to achieve consistent improvement. While the scoring rubric may be tweaked on occasion as emphasis is added to certain levels of achievement, every effort is made to keep the methodology consistent so that Chapters can easily see the results of their efforts.

Once the reporting is complete and the CHR is issued to the Chapter, a customized Chapter Action Plan (CAP) is also transmitted, indicating the areas of reporting that resulted in loss of points in the CHR. The CAP also comes with specific direction and tools that the Chapter can use to improve their score, and thus, create the optimum member experience. By completing and reporting the elements of the CAP, the Chapter Services Team is better able to track your progress and support your efforts. This is also an essential element of maximizing your rating to qualify your Chapter for a Chapter Excellence Award (CEA).

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Chapter Services Team
Chapter Excellence Award