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Public Relations

Public Relations is used to achieve broad public recognition of NAIFA across the nation. Public Relations can be conducted through online and print media, as well as through social media. There are several ways Chapters can utilize Public Relations. 
  1. Boost member retention while getting the NAIFA name out in your community by constantly promoting members and their accomplishments through press releases and social media.
  2. Send press releases to local media for any of the following: 
    1. Attending State Legislative Day and NAIFA Advocacy events.
    2. Meeting with legislators in district.
    3. Receiving an award or new designation.
    4. Board elections.
    5. Industry awareness campaigns (i.e. Life Insurance Awareness Month).
  3. Send letters to the member’s agency manager, acknowledging members who:
    1. Have received an award from your Chapter.
    2. Have been selected for a Chapter or NAIFA volunteer position.
    3. Have received another type of recognition or performed a service to the industry (e.g. published an article, testified before a legislative/regulatory body on behalf of the industry, published Op-Ed letters).
  4. Whenever possible, “tag” member(s) when you recognize them or post pictures of them on social media for further reach for both the Chapter and the member(s).
  5. Post consumer-related items on your social media channels that your members can share on their own pages for further publicity for both the member and NAIFA. This could include articles and resources that consumers could utilize.
Chapters should maintain a media contact list with key media outlets in major cities and local/affiliate population centers. The list may include TV, radio, print and online magazines/blogs.