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Parliamentary Procedure

According to the Model Chapter Bylaws, "Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised) shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure not specifically covered by these Bylaws."

Widely known as parliamentary procedure, Robert's Rules of Order ensures that all board meetings are fair, efficient, democratic and orderly. 

In addition to referring to the official Robert's Rules of Order website, Chapters are encouraged to reference the Robert's Rules of Order Cheat Sheet for Nonprofits

The cheat sheet includes types of motions, steps to motions, how to declare a point of order and helpful tips/reminders. 

In addition, the cheat sheet also includes a table for easy reference to what to say when, if you need a majority vote, can the motion be debated, etc. 

Quick Links

Robert's Rules of Order
Robert's Rules of Order Cheat Sheet for Nonprofits