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Optional Affiliate Leaders

Community Relations Coordinator

This position leads the Affiliate in charitable or community relations activities. They seek out and line up opportunities for community involvement with local organizations and line up volunteers for these opportunities. The Community Relations Coordinator will report to the Affiliate Chair about upcoming activities. Other duties include:

  1. Attending local community meetings.
  2. Creating a program for community outreach.
  3. Arranging sponsorship at local events.
  4. Promoting the image of NAIFA.

Social Coordinator 

This position will lead the Affiliate’s social activities. The Social Coordinator will work with the Affiliate Chair and Affiliate Programs Chair to avoid conflicting events in the area. This position will also lead promotion and logistics of any social events the Affiliate chooses to hold. Some events include golf outings, YAT activities, wine tastings, happy hours, etc.

Member Engagement Coordinator

This position works closely with the Affiliate Membership Coordinator to welcome all new members in the area. The coordinator recruits a team of volunteers to welcome new members with a phone call or email, ensuring they receive personalized invitations to upcoming events and activities. 

Volunteer Coordinator

This position works with the Affiliate Programs Coordinator to line up volunteers for area events, including greeters, registration/check-in, etc.

Sponsorship Coordinator

If the Affiliate wishes to secure sponsorship money for their use in additional activities such as golf outings, this position works to secure sponsorships from vendors for use by the Affiliate.

Diversity Coordinator

This position focuses on serving diverse populations and practice specialties, including new advisors.