Chapters must actively promote NAIFA professional development and training programs to members and prospects using NAIFA standardized materials. Refer to the Marketing section for requirements.
Congressional Conference – Congressional Conference is the annual fly-in to Washington, D.C. The event includes sessions with current legislators, updates from NAIFA Government Relations and key insights from policy analysts. The event also entails pre-arranged meetings for members with their legislators.
Apex – Apex is NAIFA's professional development conference which features top speakers and breakout sessions focused on prospecting, talent development and practice management. The event also includes networking and camaraderie.
National Leadership Conference – The National Leadership Conference is NAIFA's annual business meeting, volunteer leadership training conference and membership awards event to recognize the best of the best within NAIFA Nation.
2025 Blackout Dates
Upcoming Events – Find all upcoming events in one convenient spot! Members-only programs will be designated as such and should not be promoted to prospects.
NAIFA Live – NAIFA Live is the association's monthly membership meeting that broadcasts featured speaker(s) to attendees and "watch party" locations hosted by State and Local Chapters, Affiliates, agencies and/or firms.
Promoting NAIFA Live participation at all levels of the enterprise is an essential component of our membership program by engaging members and increasing retention.
State Chapters, Local Chapters and Affiliates should collaborate to arrange monthly watch parties, and when possible, add Chapter-level value with add-on programs, events and messaging to maximize a quality member experience for participants. The NAIFA Live Watch Party Kit is designed to provide guidance on what each Watch Party can and should entail.
Code of Conduct for Virtual Programs – To maintain the professionalism of NAIFA hosted virtual programming, all registrants, attendees and participants at all NAIFA virtual programs must comply with the terms of the NAIFA Code of Conduct for Virtual Programs.
Continuing Education for National Programs – Due to the wide variation of state continuing education requirements, CE is rarely offered on a nationwide basis. We believe that CE is best offered at the Chapter level.
However, the NAIFA Professional Development Department is committed to collecting the relevant information, whenever possible, on national programs that are likely to qualify for CE and conduct those programs in such a way to allow Chapters to decide to obtain and offer credit for them.
When we are able to obtain the requisite information on programming that is likely to qualify for CE, we will have a link below with a downloadable zip file that contains an outline and speaker information that should be suitable for submission for state approval.
Interested Chapters will be responsible for downloading and submitting the documentation in accordance with state requirements, as well as conducting their own marketing to their members that the Chapter is offering CE on the national program. Chapters may elect to charge a fee for the CE credits, but cannot charge for the underlying programming. Additionally, Chapters must also adhere to the requirements of the program, including that NAIFA Live must remain a members-only benefit.
Once a Chapter has obtained state approval to offer CE, they will need to email that they are offering the credits so that NAIFA may deliver the attendee information following the event.
To avoid confusion and frustration for members, it is essential that the Chapter make clear in the promotion of credits that the credits are being offered at the Chapter level and that any questions should be directed to Chapter Staff, as home office staff will not be prepared to assist them.
NAIFA Live Watch Party Kit
NAIFA Code of Conduct for Virtual Programs
Copyright © 2020 NAIFA
National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors
1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1890
Arlington, VA 22209
Phone: 877-866-2432