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A contract is a legally binding document that recognizes and governs the rights and duties of the parties to the agreement. A contract is legally enforceable because it meets the requirements and approval of the law. A contract typically involves the exchange of goods, service, money, or promise of any of those.

Contracts are essential tools for Chapters to properly document and define relationships with service providers. Boards should carefully review and understand the terms of a contract before approving it, and if necessary, seek guidance from legal counsel.  Pay particular attention to the mechanisms related to failures to meet the terms and separation, as these are the most common circumstances where contracts become contentious and define how the matter will be resolved.

Good contracts should have reasonable expectations of both parties, as well as a sensible mechanism for ending the relationship. Common contracts that a Chapter can expect to utilize include management/employment, lobbyist, and hotel, to name a few.

Sample Contracts:

Sample Lobbyist Contract