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Chapter Secretary

The Secretary is the official records keeper of the Chapter. They are responsible for maintaining and updating Chapter and historical records during their term in office. This position can also be combined with the Chapter Treasurer position. Key responsibilities of the Chapter Secretary as applicable to each Chapter include:

  1. Monitor member data.
  2. Manage the Chapter files.
  3. Facilitate communication.
  4. Ensure that the Chapter is operating with sound business practices.
  5. Determine that a quorum is present at meetings. If one is not, no binding business can be conducted.
  6. Act as a parliamentarian during meetings to ensure parliamentary procedure is followed, votes are counted and Bylaws are followed.
  7. Prepare, publish and maintain all minutes of meetings of the Board and the Chapter. Official minutes should only include the business transactions of the meeting.
  8. Coordinate publications and mailing lists for meeting notices and newsletters.
  9. Monitor Chapter website to make sure all meetings and events are current.
  10. Prepare and maintain a list of committee/team appointments, and give the chair of each committee/team a list of members and a description of the committee/team and its functions.
  11. Submit all official documents and maintain true copies of the Bylaws and all amendments.
  12. The Chapter Executive Director may carry out many of these responsibilities if they are specified in the Executive Director's job description.
Position Competencies
  • Interpersonal Relations
  • Communication
  • Engagement
  • Writing Skills
  • Adaptability/Flexibility
  • Active Listening
  • Planning/Organizing
  • Leadership