The Chapter Training Program is a collection of training resources available to Chapters either on-demand, on-request or annually to support the development of Chapter Leaders and Staff to excel in their roles. The elements of this program are the Blueprint Leadership Training, Empowering Chapter Leaders Training, Chapter Strategic Planning Training and the National Leadership Conference (NLC).
The Blueprint Chapter Leadership Training is a five module, on-demand basic training program on the areas of Chapter operations, designed to provide a basic-level overview of the topics of governance, advocacy, marketing, membership and programs. The governance module focuses on building your best board, and also has breakout sessions on Board Orientation, Strategic Plans that Work, Succession Planning and Chapter Finance/Compliance. The advocacy module covers the political process, involvement and the role of Chapters in that process. The marketing module explains all of the elements of NAIFA branding and the importance of having a unified brand, as well as mini-sessions that cover social media, digital advertising, videos, websites and blogs. The membership module answers the essential question, "Why Do People Join Associations?" and delves into the role of the Membership Committee, the resources in the Chapter Playbook to grow membership and how to build an effective membership committee/sales team. The programs module is a “Program-A-Ganza” with tools, tips and tricks to build effective programs.
The Empowering Chapter Leaders Training is an advanced training module, developed by internationally-renowned Raybourn Group International (RGI) exclusively for NAIFA. This 90-minute session seeks to create highly-focused, engaged and strategic boards that are prepared to meet the challenges faced by today’s NAIFA Chapters. The program is designed for your Chapter’s entire Board of Directors and is provided quarterly each year.
The Chapter Strategic Planning Training is an advanced training module, developed by internationally-renowned Raybourn Group International (RGI) exclusively for NAIFA. This 90-minute session seeks to educate key leaders on the importance, value and application of a strategic plan, providing the guidance and roadmap to its successful development and implementation. This program is designed for key leaders in your Chapter to train them on the value of a plan and provide guidance on the process necessary to formulate a successful strategic plan. Contingent upon resources, the CST can sometimes assist Chapters in facilitating a strategic planning process and assist in plan development, if requested.
The National Leadership Conference (NLC) brings our association’s leaders and aspiring leaders together face-to-face. It ensures we are all on the same page working together as One NAIFA to execute on NAIFA’s overarching strategic plan at every level. It creates momentum for the coming year as we move in lock step to grow membership, amplify NAIFA’s brand and build a stronger membership experience. The NLC and the associated Belong Awards Gala inspire and recognize servant leaders who are called to serve a greater purpose and understand that they are working for the success of something bigger than themselves. Chapters should plan to send at least 3-4 key leaders to this incredible event each year, as well as key leaders from each of its Affiliates.
Blueprint Chapter Leadership Training
Empowering Chapter Leaders Training
Chapter Services Team
National Leadership Conference
Copyright © 2020 NAIFA
National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors
1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1890
Arlington, VA 22209
Phone: 877-866-2432