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Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes should be concise and should include attendance, motions, deadlines and responsibilities. Minutes should go out within 48 hours of the meeting to all members of the board for corrections and to serve as a reminder of their commitments. While preparing the minutes, work in conjunction with the Secretary, checking for accuracy as well as checking for any motions that were proposed during the meeting which you now need to act on. Minutes should have a set, fixed format. Click here for sample minutes.

After the minutes are distributed, follow up on any action items. For example, if it was moved to appoint a task force or committee, start appointing people to that committee and help initiate action.

When approving minutes at the next board meeting, Chapters should not spend too much time approving these minutes. As Chapter Staff, you may have to discourage the board from wasting hours on correcting minutes. For tips on how to do so, click here for an article written by Bob Harris.

Quick Links

Model Board Minutes Template
Wasting Hours on Minutes Article