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Board Meeting Agenda


An agenda needs to be prepared and sent to all members of the board and any guests. It should include all topics to be discussed at the meeting and should also include the date, location, starting time, scheduled breaks and anticipated end time. Any supporting or background material to further explain or detail the items on the agenda should also be included.

You may need to send out requests to board members, committee chairs, etc. for supporting documents/reports. Committees are encouraged to use the Model Committee Report when submitting a summary of activities and action items. Executive Directors are encouraged to use the Model Executive Director's Report to submit a summary of activities at the Chapter and Headquarters level.

When preparing the agenda, add time frames to each agenda item. This not only reflects the importance of the various items under discussion, but it also helps the meeting progress and end on time. Agendas should have a set, fixed format. Click here for a sample agenda.

As noted in the sample agenda above, each board meeting should begin with a Conflict of Interest and Antitrust reminder. Full conflict of interest policies and antitrust guidelines do not need to be included in each agenda, but should be sent to all board members at the beginning of the association year. 

Recommended phrasing to begin Board Meetings, "I would like to remind everyone of our anti-trust responsibilities, not to engage in any action or conversation that would restrict trade, fix pricing, or limit commerce with any company or individual. Additionally, if anything on the agenda or anything arises in conversation impacts your personal interests or income and could give way to a conflict of interest, please disclose it immediately and recuse yourself from decision-making in that matter. Lastly, remember that all discussions and debate on matters before the Board remain confidential. Thank you for your attention on these critical matters."

Once the agenda is prepared, the agenda and all supporting documents should be emailed to the entire board for review. Any guests should also receive a copy of the agenda so that they can be prepared. The board and any guests should receive the agenda in adequate time (we suggest a week) to review the materials. 

Consent Agenda

Bob Harris, CAE was not only a NAIFA Blueprint keynote speaker, but is also widely known for sharing best practices and promoting sustainability of associations. Bob published an article on how to advance the mission and strategic goals of boards. Specifically, the article focuses on how the standard board agenda typically includes dozens of reports and updates. Reading and listening to these reports is not good use of board time, as a board should be focusing their meeting time on strategic discussion.

There are two types of agendas for board meetings:

The standard meeting agenda is a list of meeting activities in the order in which they are to be taken up, beginning with the call to order and ending with adjournment. It usually includes one or more specific items of business to be acted upon. A carefully crafted agenda facilitates an orderly meeting and decision making.

The consent agenda is a single item on the standard agenda that includes things the board should read but requires no action or discussion. Sometimes it is called a “consent calendar."

Leaders should consider implementing the consent agenda model, in order to save time and have more productive board meetings.

To learn more about consent agendas, read the full article here.

Monthly Local Chapter/Affiliate Agenda

State Chapters should hold a monthly call with Local Chapter Presidents, Local Chapter Staff and Affiliate leaders. At minimum, the monthly call should include updates on Membership, Advocacy and Programs. Chapters are encouraged to use the Model Local-Affiliate Meeting Agenda

Quick Links

Model Committee Report
Model Executive Director's Report

Model Board Agenda Template
NAIFA Conflict of Interest Policy
NAIFA Antitrust Guidelines
Power Up the Consent Agenda Article
Model Local-Affiliate Meeting Agenda