
Weekly Membership Update

Written by Randy Clark | 6/5/24 7:29 PM

The last week of May, while shortened, was very good for new membership growth! 

New Members to Welcome!

The last week of May, while shortened, was very good for new membership growth!  Eleven state chapters added members.  The Membership Chairs below will have new members to welcome!

Janise Graham (CA), Kevin Christensen (CO), Grace Staten (FL), Sabina Khoja (GA), Bob Burd (IL), Montyne King Clay (MS),Jake Kaufmann (MT), Yuan-Fen Lai (NV), Roger Sims (NC), Joe Easley (TN), Chris Henderson (WI).

The following members successfully referred new members last week! In addition to welcoming the new members, take a look at who is referring people in your state!  Do you know them?  If not, let's get to know them so we can keep the referral train chugging along!.  Nothing is more effective than members recruiting members!

Louis Gardner (CA), Thomas Miller (MT),  Angela Criddle (MS), Ray Kojetin (MT), and Josh Burda (PA).

 Thank you, again, to all of you for helping drive the membership train forward!