
Taking NAIFA on the Road with Meetings on Main Street

Written by Emily Cabbage | 7/28/22 12:27 AM

Last week, OCi Services and loyal member since 2002, Charles Olsen II, LUCTF hosted NAIFA's first Meetings on Main Street in Omaha. This power-packed afternoon featured some of NAIFA's top talent. This is the first in a series that will be coming to communities across NAIFA Nation. The purpose of the series is to give back to the insurance and financial services industry by providing an inspirational, insightful, and invigorating experience to industry professionals.

Our line-up consisted of NAIFA Trustee, Jamie Hopkins Esq., LLM, CFP®, ChFC®, CLU®, RICP® Managing Partner of Wealth Solutions Carson Group, Daniel Finley, President & Co-Founder at Advisor Solutions, Luke Acree, President at ReminderMedia, Ron Lee, Vice President Advanced Markets & Brokerage Field Relations Mutual of Omaha, Harlan J. Accola CRMP, National Reverse Mortgage Director at Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation, Ken Leibow, Founder & CEO at InsurTech Express, and NAIFA Trustee, Christopher Gandy LACP, Founder of Midwest Legacy Group, LLC.

Teresa K. McAllister LUTCF ChFC, loyal member since 2014, Senior Vice President of Lifetime Financial Group, a NAIFA 100% Agency, found the format of the meeting to be lively and informative. She states during this meeting, "I was excited that we got a lot of information about actual items to help your practice grow...and hearing speakers every 20 minutes kept me interested the whole meeting." 

The next Meetings on Main will be held in Richmond, VA on September 22. Is your area looking to bring great content and engage with nonmembers in your region? Why not see about bringing Meetings on Main Street to your area? Contact us at marketing@naifa.org to learn more.