
Recording Now Available: September Chapter Leaders Webinar

Written by Kaila Wilson | 9/6/24 7:32 PM

Chapter Staff and Chapter Leaders from across NAIFA Nation met on September 5th, for the Chapter Leaders Webinar! Attendees were able to hear the latest NAIFA updates and announcements! This month's Chapter Leaders Webinar featured:

  • Tom Cothron, NAIFA President
  • Kevin Mayeux, NAIFA CEO
  • Suzanne Carawan, Vice President of Membership
  • Bianca Alonso Weiss, State Government Relations Manager
  • Andrew Holt, Grassroots Advocacy Director
  • Shelia Owens, Vice President of Marketing and Communications
  • Corey Mathews, Vice President of Member and Chapter Services

Key Takeaways & Action Items:

  1. Make sure you are enrolled to receive emails/updates, contact info@naifa.org if any changes are needed!
  2. Prepare and plan to take advantage of the turnkey resources that Life Happens has created for your Chapter to promote Life Insurance Awareness Month (LIAM).
  3. NAIFA Town Hall was recently held and recorded!
  4. Make sure that all of your Chapter Leaders qualify for Triangle Team and start a push to get your members on board with the program as well!
  5. Registration for APEX/NLC is still open and more than 8 hours of NLC Content has been added.
  6. Make sure your State Chapter responds to State Issues Survey by September 27th!
  7. NAIFA Chapter Excellence Awards will be presented this year at Apex/NLC!
  8. With the expansion of the NAIFA family to include the Society of Financial Service Professionals (FSP), members now have access to an increased offering of qualified continuing education.
  9. Take advantage of the entirely refreshed Blueprint Chapter Leader Training in preparation for Apex/NLC this month!
  10. Certified Leadership Board Training sessions will be held on December 19th.
  11. Growing NAIFA, in all ways, is your job…it's my job…it's OUR job. Create opportunities to meet new folks and bring them in and ASK them to join!
  12. THANK YOU! Without YOU, there is NO NAIFA.


If you missed the team live, check out the recording at the below link! Questions? Contact leadership@naifa.org.