NAIFA President-Elect, Larry Holzberg, kicked off the June Chapter Membership Chairs Meeting with a message to attendees that it's time to roll up our sleeves and work together to increase membership!
Corey Mathews, CAE, VP of Member and Chapter Services, reviewed the May membership numbers and provided a walk through of the Chapter Monthly Membership Report. In addition, Corey also announced that NAIFA-New Jersey hit the 3% Growth Club and the 10+ Net Gainer Club in May!
NAIFA-Washington President, Chris Bor, was this month's guest speaker to answer the question, "Why is NAIFA-Washington Growing?" Chris discussed several initiatives NAIFA-Washington is focusing on, but he very simply put that Chapters must put membership first to be successful.
VP of Marketing and Communications, Suzanne Carawan, took a deep dive into the 100% Agency Program and discussed the program's new collateral, purpose and benefits. Suzanne also provided an update on Group Sales, Individual Sales, Company Champions and the YAT Program.
Lastly, attendees were split into four break groups based on Chapter size to discuss these questions: