
Recording Now Available: July Leaders Webinar

Written by Justi Folladori | 7/6/21 3:45 PM

NAIFA-President Elect, Larry Holzberg, kicked off the July Chapter Leaders Webinar with a reminder that we are now halfway through the year! During the summer, Chapters should be focused on:

  1. Membership
  2. Back the PAC
  3. In-District Meetings
  4. Performance + Purpose
  5. New Partners

In addition, Larry urged Chapter Leaders to save the date for the National Leadership Conference (December 5-7)!

Jen Corcoran, Executive Administrator, announced that Trustee and Secretary applications are due July 30. In addition, applications for the John Newton Russell Memorial Award are being accepted through August 27, 2021. 

Corey Mathews, CAE, provided an update for the Member and Chapter Services Department. Corey announced that the Chapter Communications Survey will launch in July to ensure that we are using the most effective and efficient model of delivering important information to Chapter Leaders and Chapter Staff. In addition, Corey walked through why the Chapter Quality Committee was formed and how this committee will work. Lastly, Corey announced that NAIFA-Washington is this month's NAIFA Game Changer! 

In addition to Corey's update, Chapter Services Manager, Zach Levin, provided Chapter Leaders with a Chapter Action Plan walkthrough. With a focus on improvement, Zach walked through items that will be included in the four unique categories: Critical, Urgent, Important and Best Practices. 

Lastly, Suzanne Carawan provided an update on all things Marketing and Communication:

If you missed us live, watch the recording using the button below!