
Invite a Colleague to Congressional Conference

Written by NAIFA | 3/5/24 9:23 PM

As NAIFA leaders, you have the experience and influence to make a difference  when you encourage newer members' involvement with our association. No where is this more true than on the grassroot advocacy front. As a NAIFA veteran, you can increase the involvement of newer members by inviting them to participate in your state's legislative day and the national Congressional Conference, coming to Washington, D.C., May 20-21. 

Meeting with state lawmakers and members of Congress can be intimidating, even for financial professionals who spend their careers talking to people about complex or uncomfortable issues. That's the great thing about NAIFA's advocacy events: No one goes in alone. The Congressional Conference, for example, will include NAIFA members who count their lawmakers among their personal friends (and maybe even clients) and those taking their first stab at advocacy. On their Capitol Hill visits, NAIFA members support each other, learn from each other, and speak as a unified voice on behalf of their colleagues, clients, and communities.

As a NAIFA leader, why don't you encourage a first-timer from your chapter to attend this year's Congressional Conference? Act now while travel stipends are still available.