
Dan Finley Offers Sessions through NAIFA's Coaches Corner

Written by NAIFA | 1/4/24 11:17 PM

As part of NAIFA’s Coaches Circle, NAIFA members have the opportunity to connect with Dan Finley twice a month through his complimentary coaching sessions These sessions are
designed to be member-to-member opportunities to grow personally and professionally.

Sessions are limited to 80 people each session. Register and select the sessions you'd like to attend.

About Dan Finley

Dan Finely has been a part of the NAIFA benefits portfolio for over a decade. As the President and Co-Founder of Advisor Solutions, he is dedicated to helping financial service professionals build a better

Dan’s successful brokerage career began in 1993 and includes 13 years as a successful financial advisor, as well as over 25,000 plus hours of individual and group coaching sessions coaching financial
advisors since 2004. He has personally experienced and coached successful strategies in all types of business environments so he truly understands the financial advisory industry.

Check out Dan’s book, 101 Advisor Solutions: A Financial Advisor’s Guide to Strategies that Educate, Motivate and Inspire. This is the go-to book when you want to work smarter, not harder.