
NAIFA GOTV Offers Election Resources

Written by Mark Briscoe | 3/16/22 12:48 PM

With primary elections underway and the 2022 general election just around the corner, NAIFA’s Get Out the Vote (GOTV) resources are now available to NAIFA members and the general public at gotv4financialsecurity.org. The website provides educational materials to help NAIFA members and the consumers they work with to achieve financial security understand how the election process works and make informed decisions at the polls.

Resources include state-by-state voter registration instructions and deadlines and information about upcoming primary elections and general elections. The site also includes a means of identifying a user’s state and federal lawmakers, a basic introduction to how government works, and a tool for tracking federal or state legislation using a bill number or keywords. NAIFA’s GOTV provides information specific to this year’s upcoming elections, including the 2022 Election Cycle Landscape, a list of open seats in Congress to be filled in 2022, and election guides for every state.

NAIFA leaders should encourage members in their states to use NAIFA's GOTV resources and share them with consumers.