
Inaugural NAIFA Book Club Kicks Off

Written by Suzanne Carawan | 7/3/24 10:33 PM

NAIFA has a new virtual Book Club that any member can join! We kicked off last Friday with "Building a Storybrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen" led by John D. Richardson (JDR). Participants were given a guidebook ahead of the call to allow for structured discussion and first met in large group format with breakout rooms to follow with small group discussions to talk about how to actually apply the principles in the book to your practice. Great ideas were exchanged and people from across the country were able to meet each other for the first time and really get to know one another on a personal basis. 

During the conversation, Rose Goheen noted that her client retention rate is 95% because she does what the Storybrand book suggests in putting the client as the hero of the story and regularly touching base throughout the year. Rick Demko applied the idea in how he recruits members to NAIFA by making the advisor the hero of the story in saying, "With you being a successful insurance agent/advisor, I'm surprised we have yet to meet at a NAIFA event!" to which the person says, "What's NAIFA?" and Rick gives a big smile because that's his in to explain how clients receive comprehensive service from NAIFA members because they have the total package of product and service knowledge, a massive network of other financial service professionals to call on, AND the advocacy training and participation to showcase to clients that they are doing everything possible to earn and retain their trust and business.

JDR summed up what many NAIFA members feel and practice and that is that NAIFA members are PROACTIVE in being kind to other financial service professionals in the industry. One of the ways that you can be proactive this month is by signing up for our next meeting of our Book Club and inviting a new person to join and get involved in NAIFA.  Learn more at members.naifa.org/bookclub